"The Armenian Americans" Premiers in Michigan; Will Be Shown Again on December 13
DETROIT, MI - This past year, "The Armenian Americans" documentary has
been shown around the United States through Public Television. On November
30, 2000, it held its Michigan/Windsor, Canada premiere.
An exciting evening at Detroit Public Television, the documentary was shown
as part of the station's winter pledge drive. Competing with a Detroit Lions
game and other television favorites, the station was able to raise over $55,000 in a matter of an hour and a half of air time! "We are very excited about this figure. This was an excellent fund raiser for us," said Fred Nahhat, On-Air Fundraising for Detroit Public TV(WTVS Channel 56).
Between the showing of the documentary, Dan Alpert, station manger of
Detroit Public TV, interviewed Edgar Hagopian, Hagopian Rugs, about his
experiences growing up as an Armenian-American and what it means to be an
Armenian in the United States. Hagopian discussed his experiences in the
Armenian community and how important it is to be involved in one's community.
Fred Nahhat interviewed Ara Topouzian, musician and record producer. Fred
talked with Ara about Armenian music and on being part of the making of
this documentary.
Ara was instrumental in having this documentary on the air in Detroit. Ara
is also featured in the documentary; in addition, a large segment of music from
his record company, American Recording Productions, was used in the final
release. "We went to some of our most prominent donors in the community and
asked them to assist us in buying the license to air the documentary in
Detroit. It is a two-year license and can be re-aired as many times as the
station wishes -- this is the exciting part." said Topouzian.
"It was important for the entire community to see this documentary and to
witness the strength of our Detroit Armenian community," said Topouzian. "It
makes all of us very proud to know we could raise so much money for PBS.
Over $55,000 is a remarkable number!" said Topouzian. Each week, over one
million Detroit-area households watch WTVS. In addition, there are close to
1.8 million households throughout Canada that receive WTVS via satellite and
cable. Because of this enormous reach, more people "visit" Detroit Public
Television than any other cultural institution in Southeast Michigan.
"The many volunteers who came down to the station to man the phones deserve a thank you for taking all of those pledges," said Topouzian. Also,
a special thanks to the sponsors: Gordon Hartunian, Bob Saks Mechigian, Edgar
Hagopian, Martin Shoushanian, Phil Mooradian, Kchikian Family, Jerair/Alic
Kourtjian, and Margaret Vartanian. A very special thank you to Nerses
Serkaian, host of the Armenian Radio Hour in Michigan, for helping air PSA's
on this event.
The airing and pledge drive was such a success that WTVS will re-air the entire show as a 'best of' on December 13, 2000. Hopefully the Armenian and
non-Armenian community will watch again and witness the rich heritage of the
Armenian people.