A Night of Glamour, A Future of Gold
By Natalie Gabrelian
BAYSIDE, NY - A blanket of white snow lay on the ground as Armenians in the metropolitan area welcomed 2001 in a winter wonderland. The New Year is a time for resolutions, which are made but often too soon broken. But a
dedicated group of individuals continues to hold on to the promise they made
nearly seven years ago. The Friends of Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School
(HMADS) is committed to offering ceaseless support to this bank of knowledge
through various activities that help underwrite the school's expenses throughout the year.
The Friends of HMADS committee cordially invites the Armenian public to its annual gala dinner dance on Saturday, March 3, 2001, at the luxurious Russo's on the Bay, located at 162-45 Cross Bay Blvd. in Howard Beach, New York. Mingle with sparkling champagne as you kick off the evening with cocktails at 7:30 p.m., followed by a sumptuous dinner. Be prepared to dance into the wee hours of the morning with entertainment provided by Rafi and the Reflections from Los Angeles. Black tie is optional but as always -- dress to impress! This
semi-formal affair comes once a year and is a major fundraising event for the
Friends of HMADS. Your donation will allow HMADS to continue its 34-year
tradition of priceless academic excellence.
Come treasure an unforgettable night of glamour as you invest in a future of
gold, helping to provide quality education to younger generations of
Armenians. For reservations and information, interested persons may contact
the school office at (718) 225-4826; Negdar Arukian at (718) 423-4813; Arek
Nisanyan at (718) 224-4736; or Siragan Varolian at (718) 631-7131.