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At Drexel University, Armenians and Turks Clash over Genocide
An Orchestrated PerformanceThe question-and-answer period was dominated by an orchestrated performance by a dozen of the Turkish students. The opening salvo was the question, "What were Armenians doing before the so-called Genocide? Were they sitting at home singing songs?" The message, as Sarafian put it in response, was "The Genocide didn't happen, and if it did, you deserved it."The Turkish performance continued with questions about various quotations read from prepared packages. One woman who claimed to be Turkish, Armenian, Greek, and Serbian (or some such combination), read an excerpt from an Armenian political tract calling for armed struggle against Turkish oppressors. A young psychology major explained how all reports by non-Muslim, non-Turkish eyewitnesses are unreliable because "everyone has a bias." Another young woman, wagging her finger, counseled Armenians to "be careful, very careful" about what they teach the younger generation. Mark Momjian, a prominent attorney in Philadelphia, was in the audience. He commented: "Twenty years ago, if a brave Turkish-American came to a lecture on the Armenian Genocide, and had the nerve to ask a question or challenge an assertion, it was usually done so unprofessionally that the more the Turkish position was advanced, the more ridiculous it would come across to the remaining audience. Today, however, we have to accept the fact that Turkish-Americans have been armed with more sophisticated denial weaponry, and the Armenian community's response to this development should be, in my opinion, proactive, not reactive." The lecture was organized by Drexel's Hellenic Students' Association and sponsored by the Armenian National Committee and the Armenian Youth Federation. It drew students from the University of Pennsylvania, Temple, Villanova, USP, and Drexel, as well as members of the Philadelphia Armenian community. Dozens of students and community members stayed long after the lecture to continue the discussion. The uncensored edition of "The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1916" (edited and with an introduction by Ara Sarafian) is available from bookstores and directly from the Gomidas Institute (1-800-865-6405). The institute's Web site is at <>. ![]() |