Desert Church Fundraisers Culminate in Jan. 20 Gala Ball at The Ritz Carlton with Raffi & the Reflections, 2001 Mercedes Raffle Drawing
By Janet Samuelian
Exclusive to TAR Int'l
RANCHO MIRAGE, CA - The Armenian Apostolic Church of the Desert cordially invites all Armenians, especially those in Riverside/San Bernardino Counties and desert communities, to join them at a Gala Fund-Raising Dinner-Dance (black tie optional) to be held here at the renowned
Ritz Carlton on Saturday, Jan. 20, 2001. Cocktail hour begins at 6:30 p.m., and gourmet dinner at 7:00 p.m., by Rafi and the Reflections.
Tables of ten are priced at $250 per person with all
tax-deductible proceeds going to the church building fund. Hosts Steve
and Lilah Balian of Palm Springs are generously donating the costs. A drawing will be held for a 2001 Mercedes Benz C240 with
donation of $100 per ticket and the lucky winner need not be present to win, Send dinner reservations to: Armenian Church of the Desert, P. 0. Box 2700, Palm Desert, CA 92261. For additional information contact Steve Balian, Fundraising Committee Chairman, at (760) 836-0933 (phone/ FAX). Enjoy a wonderful evening and help construct a spectacular Armenian structure in a prestigious site!
Forty-two enthusiastic parishioners and friends celebrated the holidays Dec. 9th at the spacious Palm Desert home of Norman and Virginia Matossian who hosted the dinner. After cocktails and a sumptuous mezza, guests settled down to a feast of steak kebab, kufta, boereg, patlijan, and pilaf with pine nuts, capped by pomegranate jello, ser kadaif, and date cookies. A noted LA jeweler/appraiser, Matossian, led the Armenian dancing with gusto and said, "If we don't enjoy it, we don't do it."
Omar Knadjian, Parish Council Chairman, reported on the fundraising: "The dinner brought in $4200, and Norman matched it." Applause increased when impromptu donations came from George and Barbara Dadanian, Mr. and Mrs. Guyrun Amirghan, Mr.. and Mrs. Steve Balian, and Mr. and Mrs. Varoujan Mkrtchian to make a grand total of $11,000. Velo Herbekian announced the donation of $6,000 from the Ladies Society's three fundraising efforts during the year. -- J.S.