
January 27th Set Aside as England's First Holocaust Memorial Day; Armenian Genocide Is Excluded

LONDON, England - On January 27, Britain is going to mark its first Holocaust Memorial bay to remember those who died in the Jewish Holocaust and the Rwandan and Kosovan genocides.

However, the Foreign Off ice has told the Home Off ice, which is actually planning the day's events, not to make any mention of the Armenian genocide of 1915-16, in which nearly over one million Armenians were massacred by the Ottoman Turkish government.

Their reason for this is that they have innocently decided to start with the Jewish Holocaust and not make any mention of any genocides prior to it, which is odd because there is only one other genocide in the modern age that this decision could possibly exclude -- the Armenian.

It is clear from conversations with the Home Office that it is the Turkish government, which has demanded that this appalling part of their history be forgotten.

One or two letters from the readers to the right people might make it harder for the first genocide to be ignored and for history to be rewritten. Letters should go to:

Chris Henderson, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Head of Holocaust Day Steering Committee, Room E 203, EUI) (8), King Charles Street, London SWIA 2AH; Or the chap at the Home Office organizing the actual day: Neil Frater, Race Equality Unit, Holocaust Memorial Day, Home Office -12th Floor, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London SWIH 9AT. The BBC is planning to cover the day and David Dimbleby is presenting it but the BBC is ignoring the Armenians too, at the request of the Home Office.

Please, please try to write a letter. We need to ask why this is being allowed to happen -- again. This is an especially good time to write because of the French Senate's recent recognition of the Armenian genocide. Further information may be obtained from Centre for Armenian Information & Advice (CAIA), Hayashen, 105a Mill Hill Road, Acton, London W3 8JF Telephone 020 8992 4621 e-mail: [email protected] Website: