
Demand for Production of "Armenal" Increases in Foreign Market

YEREVAN, Nov.10 (ArmenPress) - "We intend to put other big plants into operation," said President Robert Kocharian at a ceremony held today to mark the 50th anniversary of the Yerevan aluminum plant. Kocharian meant, first of all, the Luys (Light) company, where the preliminary work of putting it into operation has already started.

As for the Armenian-Russian joint enterprise "Armenal," set up on the basis of the aluminum plant, it started to operate in May and has already produced 650 tons of foil. Till the end of the year, it is likely to produce another 400 tons.

Armenian foil, which is in great demand in different sectors of economy, is mainly used in Russia and, as the employees of the aluminum plant said, the demand for its production is constantly increasing in the foreign market.